OOI Salons

OOI Salons harness experts across fields as diverse as engineering, literature, philosophy, and business to think through the pressing concerns voiced by OOI’s rabbis, educators, and young adults in the Hillel movement. Through essays, roundtables, seminars, conferences, and publications, OOI Salons develop new ways of thinking about the Jewish world’s most persistent problems.

Commissioned Articles
These articles have been commissioned by experts and thinkers from a variety of spaces, disciplines, and specialties for OOI’s salon conversations:

The Future of the Jewish Home
By Esther Sperber

The Synagogue as Home
By Steven Exler, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale

Eros and (Religious) Education
By Jon A. Levisohn, Director of the Mandel Center at Brandeis University

OOI Salons